Around the same time Ashlie posted that one, I fell in love with another I saw on Kijiji and shared the link within that same post on Facebook. I inquired about it before we went to Brydges, but sadly it was already gone. This also aided in my determination not to pass the first one up!
Then Christmas day rolls around and to my surprise, what does Mr Geoff come out with? THE KIJIJI LAMP! I freaked out! I was SO happy and couldn't figure out why he wasn't excited, then I noticed the lamp was missing the globe shades. He sheepishly tells me that just one of the globes had shattered and that these particular ones were super rare and hard to find. I didn't care, I had THE lamp and that's all that mattered! We'd figure it out, they couldn't be that hard to find right? Wrong. Not only were they a frosted matte finish, but they were also 'neck-less' and an oddly unique diameter. Triple-rare, ugh!
Clearly your hoping this ridiculously long-winded story has a side-note, yes? Well you're in luck. About a week or two after I get the precious lamp, doesn't Ashlie just spot an almost identical version in an episode of Mad Men behind Roger's desk! I had missed it the first time around, so clearly I re-watched and paused the scene to take a photo, as you do.
Completely normal behaviour.
Last but never least is my 'vintage inspired' hanging pedant. My super-funky, long-awaited gorgeous Sputnik Chandelier. I searched and searched for an authentic one that I loved, but to no avail. Even when I found something close (new or vintage), the cost to ship it to Canada (if they even could) was ridiculously expensive and totally not worth it.
My realtor Scott is also a big fan of the MCM (Mid-Century Modern) items and had a couple of super cool pendants himself. He pointed me to Quantum on Richmond St and it all fell into place. I'm really glad I visited the website first as most of the items are not 'in-store' and have to be ordered. This way I was able to price out exactly what I wanted and what they had to choose from.
I recently moved and now have an appropriate place to hang a cool pendant. As luck would have it, I was also able to partially-parlay this purchase into a house warming gift (thanks Mom and Aunt Gloria)! I paid half-down and half upon pick up, so it worked out just lovely! I love it so much, it was so worth the wait!